Online exhibition by
A mother who brought her children to safety - her personal story
The online exhibition “The Road to Hope” from Zozan Hamo, a Syrian refugee woman, took place on March 27th 2021.
Kitty van Peer, a Dutch woman who worked as a volunteer in a Greek refugee camp took the initiative to organise this exposition. Initially the exhibition was planned in World House, but we had to cancel it twice due to COVID-19 lockdown. So we decided to do it online.
In a zoom call, interested people had the opportunity to see Zozan´s paintings and to talk with her about her experiences and sources of inspiration, and how this is reflected in her paintings.
The online programme was facilitated by Simon Koolwijk. First Zozan told about her life in Syria and why she had to flee with her children from the dangers of war. It was heartbreaking to hear about the arduous journey she and her four children had to go through, walking kilometers, passing through Turkey, taking a dangerous boat trip, untill arriving in a refugee camp in Greece. They still had to wait for 2,5 years in Greece untill they could go to Germany.
Kitty van Peer met Zozan in the Greek refugee camp. Both are now good friends. Kitty put together a short film with some of Zozan´s paintings, which you can see here
After the film Zozan showed additionally paintings and told the stories behind her work.
At the end Zozan was available for questions and feedback. People from different countries participated in the online meeting, including her friends from Greece who were impressed by Zozan's presentation in German.
World House Wetten is proud to offer Zozan this platform.
You will find a short impression of the online exhibition, here
About the artist:
Zozan Hamo (1976) is an artist, despite the hopeless situation in the refugee camps in Greece, Zozan used her power and talent to produce paintings as a way to tell the world about the experiences and emotions of herself, her children and the people around her.
Zozan had a solo exhibition at a gallery in Thessaloniki and along with other artists, her art works were made part of collaborative exhibitions in Greece and France.
Reunited with her family now in Germany, Zozan’s journey continues. Her paintings allow her to express her feelings about her experiences in this new world. With her strong will and talents, she is building a new way towards a better future for herself and her children.
The Road to Hope.